Expert Paint Training The Ding King Paint Repair Training Course provides the ultimate set of paint touch-up tools necessary to become a professional mobile paint repair technician. This program is a combination of classroom, instructor-led demonstrations and hands-on repairs, and is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and confidence required to tackle all types of mobile paint repairs.
Students of Ding King’s Paint Training Program learn a range of skills, including proper paint preparation and advanced techniques for scuffed bumper blends. This comprehensive approach to instruction means that our students learn to perform quick, professional and undetectable finished repairs for all types of paint damage.
There is a proper and professional approach to repairing a variety of paint damage: rock chips, key scratches, bumper scuffs, rust spots and chipped door edges—skills Ding King graduates acquire thoroughly in our expert paint touch-up training programs.
It’s All About Quality Paint Training While technology and equipment are important, nothing is more critical than the expertise of your Master Instructor. This is why The Ding King provides nothing less than professional instructors with years of experience servicing luxury auto dealers and retail customers. The Ding King faculty has—each and every one—”been there, done that.” Combined with their innate passion for teaching, students come away knowing that they are equipped to be the very best and most professional in the business. You’ll work side by side with a master Ding King instructor teaching you everything you’ll need to know to perform quality repairs.
More About Ding King Paint Repair You’ve heard the old saying that “little things mean a lot.” Well little “dings” can also mean a lot when you’re talking about paint repairs. Scratches, stone chips and other types of small paint damage are a common annoyance for owners of new or expensive cars. Now these little annoyances can mean added revenue and profits for you.
How many times have you seen a vehicle where the bumper is scuffed or has some type of paint damage? Did you know that each scuffed bumper can generate $250 with less than $10 in product cost?
In the past, small damage that occurred to customer’s cars was often more trouble for them to repair than it was worth. Most customers were not willing to pay the cost or take the time required by body shops.But now those small repair jobs can mean profit for your business. All Ding King™ SMART Paint Repair Systems allows you to offer fast, dependable repairs at a reasonable cost. Our innovative system allows you to make small repairs without the need to clear coat an entire panel. All of this adds up to real added value for your customers. And a real profit opportunity for you!
The Ding King’s paint touch up training courses are complete comprehensive packages offering you everything you need to perform fast, high-quality mobile or shop repairs. Whether you plan to operate your business in cold or hot or humid weather conditions, Ding King™ will customize your repair system to allow you to overcome Mother Nature.
Our Paint Repair Systems are easy to use, simple to mix and deliver fast-drying high-performance finishes, making every job look like new. This includes spot, panel and overall touch up repairs to solid, metallic and pearlescent automotive finishes.
Depending on the type of repair: scuffs, rust, chips or scratches, you’ll have a quality repair job exceeding your customer’s expectation, every time! Whn you select The Ding King™ for your training, you’ll be properly prepared to repair every type of damage!