Mail Chimp: How To Create An Email Marketing Plan Part 1

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You know you want to do some email marketing. Or, perhaps more accurately, you feel like you’re supposed to do some email marketing. Where to start? An “email marketing plan” sounds complicated, intimidating, and time-consuming. Besides, you’re too busy running your business to deal with such a thing, right? Who could blame you? Well we’re hoping that we can make things considerably easier for you by covering some of the basics.

An email-marketing plan isn’t as hard to put together as you might think. In this post and more, we’ll walk you through the most important steps and give you everything you need to know to get started. As mentioned in the second sentence with this post and more, there will be a series of posts covering this topic as there is no way to do it in one by itself. So get ready to highlight and save these posts for constant viewing as you get more used to the processes of sending out dynamic Newsletters to your customers.

Your very first step before you get into writing, designing, and creating your Newsletter, is to determine who your customers are and what they are wanting to read. Once you have defined your customer base you will understand what they want and need to hear.

If you have customers on your email list already, then you have to ask yourself who they are and how did they get onto your mailing list? Was it during checkout at your eCommerce store? Then they are customers. If they came to you by way of your website or your business card or flyers, then they are more of the general audience. Now, if you don’t yet have any subscribers then you need to ask yourself who your target is, how will you find them? And what do you feel they want and need to hear? Stay posted and we will be discussing this more in upcoming posts.

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